Friday, March 2, 2012

short and shorter..

Practice today was short. I stopped at the end of the standing sequence. I woke up with my ankle still sore, and I just did not want do more damage by practicing too much on it. I was really sad to have to stop so soon; Yes, I secretly hoped that my leg/ankle would feel better with practice, as sometimes happens, but not today. I felt it on the second side of parsvottanasana, and that made me realize enough was enough for today.

I have to truly rest it for a couple weeks, so home practice it will be. No vinyasa for at least a week. I wish I had been more patient with the injury at the beginning. I have been using my uninjured leg too much, to take more weight than it should, in all the vinyasas, and I am starting to feel the same issues on the formerly -good- side..and that is hard to correct at this point.

When I read posts, like David Garrigues' on how to modify the practice for carpal tunnel, etc. (link here), I see the flexibility of the ashtanga system. In an actual mysore class, however, maybe such flexibility is not possible? Perhaps, if I had been practicing longer at this studio, my  shin splint issues would be taken more seriously, and I would be taught how to modify my practice to not aggravate it further. I will miss the energy of the studio for the next 2 weeks, but I think it is the most kind thing I can do for myself, and my practice.

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